Ответы к учебнику по англисйкому языку за 10 класс Афанасьева. Step 9. Номер 4

Read the text and choose the appropriate answers to the questions after it.
Marco Polo, Traveller and Explorer
In 1269 Niccolo and Maffeo Polo travelled as far as China where they met the Emperor [ˈempərə] Kublai Khan. After the journey they returned to their native city Venice. When they decided to go to China again some years later, Niccolo’s son, Marco went with them.
It took them three years to reach China. When they finally arrived, they were welcomed by the Emperor, who was greatly pleased by Marco, now a handsome young man of twenty, and made him his attendant of honour.
For seventeen years Marco served the great ruler performing many difficult duties, and gathering material for his famous book in which he tells of his life in ancient China.
After seventeen years, Marco and his relatives felt homesick for Venice, its bright waters and impressive buildings. But the Emperor refused to hear about their departure. Had they not everything they wanted? Had they not enough power, wealth and honour? Yet the Venetians [ˈveni:ʃnz] remained uneasy, for they wished to take home the wealth they had gathered. Then they feared that the successor of the aged Kublai Khan might not be so friendly to the three foreigners.
Fortunately, the King of Persia [ˈpɜ:ʃə] had sent his ambassadors to China to request the Emperor to choose a princess [ˌprɪnˈses] from his court for his wife. The princess and the ambassadors were unable to make the overland journey to Persia because of war in the far south. The ambassadors decided that they could return by sea, a voyage which needed skilled sailors and many ships. The Emperor agreed to allow the Venetians to show the way to the fleet and sent them as diplomats to Spain, Portugal and other European states and to the Pope. Kublai Khan agreed to their departure if they returned after they had seen their friends and homes in Venice.
A fleet of fourteen ships sailed for India, with provisions for two years. It took almost that time to complete the voyage, during which six hundred died at sea. The Polos eventually arrived in Venice, nearly a quarter of a century after their setting out. They settled in Venice because Kublai Khan had died by that time.
In 1298 Venice and Genoa [ˈʤenəʊə] went to war and Marco Polo became officer on a ship. The Venetians were defeated and Marco was taken prisoner. Until then, he had never tried to write anything about his adventures or travels.
Among the prisoners there was a man who was a writer. Marco told him about his experiences, recalling that wonderful life of the east, the diverse plant and animal life that Europeans could not imagine. Marco’s friend, the writer, set down all those stories in a book. It was a famous book. It proved that Marco Polo was the greatest traveller and explorer of the Middle Ages.
1) Where did Marco Polo’s relatives travel in 1269?
a) To one of the Italian cities.
b) To one of the European states.
c) To one of the Asian countries.
d) To one of the American continents.
2) What feelings did the Emperor have when he saw Marco Polo?
a) He was displeased that Marco had arrived.
b) He was glad to see Marco.
c) He was surprised that the young man came together with his relatives.
d) He was satisfied that the young man had come to serve him.
3) Why did the Polos decide to return to Venice?
a) They didn’t have enough power and honour in China.
b) They wanted to gather more information for Marco’s book.
c) They didn’t like China any more.
d) They wanted to see their native country again.
4) Why were the Venetians dissatisfied that the Emperor did not agree to let them go?
a) They felt that their services were becoming more and more difficult.
b) They were not sure their wealth was safe in China.
c) They wanted to take their wealth to Venice and they were not sure the next Emperor would invite them to stay.
d) They feared the Emperor to come after Kublai Khan’s death.
5) What helped the Venetians to leave China?
a) The King of Persia’s request to let them go to Venice.
b) The King of Persia’s wish to marry one of the Chinese princesses.
c) The ambassadors’ decision to travel to Persia by sea.
d) Kublai Khan’s fear to lose the princess.
6) For how long had Marco Polo been away from his native city?
a) For about 17 years.
b) For about 15 years.
c) For about 14 years.
d) For about 25 years.
7) Where was Marco Polo’s famous book of his travels written?
a) In China.
b) In Venice.
c) In Persia.
d) In Genoa.

Read the text and choose the appropriate answers to the questions after it.
Marco Polo, Traveller and Explorer
In 1269 Niccolo and Maffeo Polo travelled as far as China where they met the Emperor [ˈempərə] Kublai Khan. After the journey they returned to their native city Venice. When they decided to go to China again some years later, Niccolo’s son, Marco went with them.
It took them three years to reach China. When they finally arrived, they were welcomed by the Emperor, who was greatly pleased by Marco, now a handsome young man of twenty, and made him his attendant of honour.
For seventeen years Marco served the great ruler performing many difficult duties, and gathering material for his famous book in which he tells of his life in ancient China.
After seventeen years, Marco and his relatives felt homesick for Venice, its bright waters and impressive buildings. But the Emperor refused to hear about their departure. Had they not everything they wanted? Had they not enough power, wealth and honour? Yet the Venetians [ˈveni:ʃnz] remained uneasy, for they wished to take home the wealth they had gathered. Then they feared that the successor of the aged Kublai Khan might not be so friendly to the three foreigners.
Fortunately, the King of Persia [ˈpɜ:ʃə] had sent his ambassadors to China to request the Emperor to choose a princess [ˌprɪnˈses] from his court for his wife. The princess and the ambassadors were unable to make the overland journey to Persia because of war in the far south. The ambassadors decided that they could return by sea, a voyage which needed skilled sailors and many ships. The Emperor agreed to allow the Venetians to show the way to the fleet and sent them as diplomats to Spain, Portugal and other European states and to the Pope. Kublai Khan agreed to their departure if they returned after they had seen their friends and homes in Venice.
A fleet of fourteen ships sailed for India, with provisions for two years. It took almost that time to complete the voyage, during which six hundred died at sea. The Polos eventually arrived in Venice, nearly a quarter of a century after their setting out. They settled in Venice because Kublai Khan had died by that time.
In 1298 Venice and Genoa [ˈʤenəʊə] went to war and Marco Polo became officer on a ship. The Venetians were defeated and Marco was taken prisoner. Until then, he had never tried to write anything about his adventures or travels.
Among the prisoners there was a man who was a writer. Marco told him about his experiences, recalling that wonderful life of the east, the diverse plant and animal life that Europeans could not imagine. Marco’s friend, the writer, set down all those stories in a book. It was a famous book. It proved that Marco Polo was the greatest traveller and explorer of the Middle Ages.
1) Where did Marco Polo’s relatives travel in 1269?
a) To one of the Italian cities.
b) To one of the European states.
c) To one of the Asian countries.
d) To one of the American continents.
2) What feelings did the Emperor have when he saw Marco Polo?
a) He was displeased that Marco had arrived.
b) He was glad to see Marco.
c) He was surprised that the young man came together with his relatives.
d) He was satisfied that the young man had come to serve him.
3) Why did the Polos decide to return to Venice?
a) They didn’t have enough power and honour in China.
b) They wanted to gather more information for Marco’s book.
c) They didn’t like China any more.
d) They wanted to see their native country again.
4) Why were the Venetians dissatisfied that the Emperor did not agree to let them go?
a) They felt that their services were becoming more and more difficult.
b) They were not sure their wealth was safe in China.
c) They wanted to take their wealth to Venice and they were not sure the next Emperor would invite them to stay.
d) They feared the Emperor to come after Kublai Khan’s death.
5) What helped the Venetians to leave China?
a) The King of Persia’s request to let them go to Venice.
b) The King of Persia’s wish to marry one of the Chinese princesses.
c) The ambassadors’ decision to travel to Persia by sea.
d) Kublai Khan’s fear to lose the princess.
6) For how long had Marco Polo been away from his native city?
a) For about 17 years.
b) For about 15 years.
c) For about 14 years.
d) For about 25 years.
7) Where was Marco Polo’s famous book of his travels written?
a) In China.
b) In Venice.
c) In Persia.
d) In Genoa.


ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. Step 9. Номер №4


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Марко Поло, путешественник и исследователь
В 1269 году Никколо и Маффео Поло доехали до Китая, где встретили императора Хубилай−хана. После путешествия они вернулись в родной город Венецию. Когда несколько лет спустя они снова решили поехать в Китай, сын Никколо, Марко, отправился с ними.
Им потребовалось три года, чтобы добраться до Китая. Когда они наконец прибыли, их приветствовал император, который был очень доволен Марко, теперь уже красивым молодым человеком двадцати лет, и сделал его своим почетным слугой.
В течение семнадцати лет Марко служил великому правителю, выполняя множество трудных обязанностей и собирая материал для своей знаменитой книги, в которой рассказывает о своей жизни в древнем Китае.
Спустя семнадцать лет Марко и его родственники тосковали по Венеции, ее ярким водам и впечатляющим зданиям. Но император отказался слышать об их отбытии. Разве у них не было всего, что они хотели? Разве им не хватало власти, богатства и чести? Тем не менее венецианцы по−прежнему беспокоились, поскольку они хотели забрать домой собранное ими богатство. Тогда они опасались, что преемник престарелого Хубилай−хана может быть не так дружелюбен к трем иностранцам.
К счастью, царь Персии отправил своих послов в Китай, чтобы попросить императора выбрать принцессу из своего двора в жены. Принцесса и послы не смогли совершить сухопутное путешествие в Персию из−за войны на далеком юге. Послы решили, что они могут вернуться морем, для которого нужны были опытные моряки и много кораблей. Император согласился позволить венецианцам указать дорогу флоту и отправил их в качестве дипломатов в Испанию, Португалию и другие европейские государства и к Папе. Хубилай−хан согласился на их отъезд, если они вернутся после того, как увидят своих друзей и дома в Венеции.
Флот из четырнадцати кораблей отплыл в Индию с провизией на два года. Почти столько времени потребовалось для завершения плавания, во время которого в море погибло шестьсот человек. В конце концов Поло прибыли в Венецию, почти через четверть века после своего отъезда. Они поселились в Венеции, потому что Хубилай−хан к тому времени умер.
В 1298 году Венеция и Генуя вступили в войну, и Марко Поло стал офицером на корабле. Венецианцы потерпели поражение, а Марко попал в плен. До того времени он никогда не пытался написать что−нибудь о своих приключениях или путешествиях.
Среди заключенных был человек, который был писателем. Марко рассказал ему о своих впечатлениях, вспомнив ту чудесную жизнь востока, разнообразную растительную и животную жизнь, которую европейцы не могли себе представить. Друг Марко, писатель, записал все эти истории в книгу. Это была известная книга. Это доказало, что Марко Поло был величайшим путешественником и исследователем Средневековья.
1) Куда путешествовали родственники Марко Поло в 1269 году?
a) В один из итальянских городов.
b) В одно из европейских государств.
c) В одну из азиатских стран.
d) На один из американских континентов.
2) Какие чувства испытал император, увидев Марко Поло?
a) Он был недоволен появлением Марко.
b) Он был рад видеть Марко.
c) Он был удивлен, что молодой человек пришел вместе со своими родственниками.
d) Он был доволен тем, что молодой человек пришел служить ему.
3) Почему Поло решили вернуться в Венецию?
a) Им не хватало власти и чести в Китае.
b) Они хотели собрать больше информации для книги Марко.
c) Китай им больше не нравился.
d) Они хотели снова увидеть свою родную страну.
4) Почему венецианцы были недовольны тем, что император не согласился их отпустить?
a) Они чувствовали, что их услуги становятся все более и более трудными.
b) Они не были уверены, что их богатство в безопасности в Китае.
c) Они хотели перевезти свое богатство в Венецию и не были уверены, что следующий император пригласит их остаться.
d) Они опасались прихода императора после смерти Хубилай−хана.
5) Что помогло венецианцам покинуть Китай?
a) Просьба царя Персии отпустить их в Венецию.
b) Желание царя Персии жениться на одной из китайских принцесс.
c) Решение послов отправиться в Персию морем.
d) Страх Хубилай−хана потерять принцессу.
6) Как долго Марко Поло отсутствовал в родном городе?
a) Около 17 лет.
b) Около 15 лет.
c) Около 14 лет.
d) Около 25 лет.
7) Где была написана знаменитая книга о путешествиях Марко Поло?
a) В Китае.
b) В Венеции.
c) В Персии.
d) В Генуе.

1 − c, 2 − b, 3 − d, 4 − c, 5 − c, 6 − d, 7 − d.

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